Ann Bannon as a college senior

Ann on her birthday, September 2015.
Ann Bannon Photos
Professional and family photos, images of book covers, and highlights from Ann’s travels and appearances. Also see video clips on the Media & More page.
Family album — childhood & college years
Professional portraits of Ann — 1980s to 2000s
“Beebo Brinker Chronicles” New York
“Beebo Brinker Chronicles” San Francisco
Posters from “Beebo Brinker Chronicles” productions
Covers of Ann Bannon’s books — 1957 to 1975
Covers of Ann Bannon’s books — 1983 to 2003
Covers of Ann Bannon’s books — international editions

Ann in her garden, May 2009 / one of the photos taken for the book “The L Life,” by Erin McHugh (Abrams, 2011). Photo by Jennifer May.

Ann Bannon with the cast of “Beebo Brinker Chronicles”