Ann Bannon’s Books
See the covers of various editions of Ann’s books
Odd Girl Out

Read Ann Bannon’s introduction to the Cleis Press edition, 2001.
Gold Medal Books, 1957
Naiad Press, 1983
Cleis Press, 2001
Cleis Press Audiobook, 2011
The first written and first published of the Ann Bannon books, this is the story of two college sorority sisters, Beth and Laura, who discover a passion for one another before the elder of the two, Beth, decides to commit to a conventional romance with her college sweetheart. Laura then must refashion her own life, and heads for far-away New York City. This book was the second-best selling paperback original of 1957, and was reissued many times by Gold Medal.
Buy this book at Cleis Press / Audiobook version at
I Am a Woman

Read Ann Bannon’s introduction to the Cleis Press edition, 2002.
Gold Medal Books, 1959
New York Times/Arno Press 1975
Naiad Press, 1983
Cleis Press, 2002
Cleis Press Audiobook, 2011
The story of what happens to Laura when she makes it to New York and meets the handsomest, most swashbuckling, and world-weary butch in the city: Beebo Brinker, the character for whom the series is named. Much of the story takes place in Greenwich Village, then a Mecca for members of the GLBT community, much as was Paris in the Roaring Twenties, and the Castro District in San Francisco today.
Buy this book at Cleis Press / Audiobook version at
Women in the Shadows

Read Ann Bannon’s introduction to the Cleis Press edition, 2002.
Gold Medal Books, 1959
Naiad Press, 1983
Cleis Press, 2002
Cleis Press Audiobook, 2011
The somewhat darker tale of Laura and Beebo’s disillusion with one another. But this is also the story that tackles interracial romance when that was an unthinkable topic, and the subject of gay and lesbian parenthood, another area to which no-one had given a thoughtful treatment up to that point.
Buy this book at Cleis Press / Audiobook version at
Journey to a Woman

Read Ann Bannon’s introduction to the Cleis Press edition, 2003.
Gold Medal Books, 1960
Naiad Press, 1983
Cleis Press, 2003
Cleis Press Audiobook, 2011
What happens to three strong, beautiful women when one of them — Beth — rediscovers her passion for another — Laura — only to run headlong into the arms of the third — Beebo Brinker herself.
Buy this book at Cleis Press / Audiobook version at
Beebo Brinker

Read Ann Bannon’s introductory note to the Cleis Press edition, 2003.
Gold Medal Books, 1962
Naiad Press, 1983
Cleis Press, 2001
Cleis Press Audiobook, 2011
A “prequel” to the preceding tales. Although it was written last in the series, this story brings Beebo from the hayfields of Wisconsin to New York’s Greenwich Village. She arrives a very young and uncertain girl, but by the end of the story, we see the emergence of the dashing young butch she will become. Along the way there are beautiful girls to explore and a sparkling dalliance with an international movie star.
Buy this book at Cleis Press / Audiobook version at